Frequently Asked Questions

High risk merchant services

High-risk merchant accounts can be a tricky situation as they have to rely on banks that have to rely on VISA, have to rely on government regulations, and so on. There is a lot of red tape, and the IRS is probably not making it easy as well. If any merchant service has too many chargebacks, VISA will stop the account and well the whole company will have an issue then. The idea with high-risk merchants is that they have special security to avoid chargebacks and pay and charge higher fees to allow more chargebacks than normal. Regardless, if you get a lot of chargebacks like over 5 a month, they will probably stop your service for it. Very few high-risk merchant services have survived the last 20 years. Only two have a long-time record that is mostly good.

  • CCBill 
  • Epoch

These two services have the best reputation and long-time standing for high-risk merchant services. We have also tracked down several more high-risk merchant services that we can't say are good or bad. If you are not too concerned with the longevity of your merchant service or can handle delayed payment from time to time or the service going belly up on a whim, then trying these solutions might be cheaper to use. We urge you to do your research on any service you use. Web Host Pro is not connected to any of these services.

  • Segpay
  • Commercegate
  • Adultmerchantservices
  • Zombaio
  • Netbilling
  • PayTechnique
  • SecurionPay
  • RocketGate
  • Verotel
  • CentroBill
  • Payze

  • high risk, merchant, adult, billing, website, CCBill, Epoch, payment, account

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