We use a third-party service called Max Mind to scan new account sign-ups for risk levels. If the risk level is above 95% of 100% it blocks the order and shows a message saying:
Order Failed
Your order has been flagged as potentially high risk and therefor it has beed held for manual review.
If you feel you have recieved this message in error, then please accept our apologies and submit a support to our customer service team.
Thank you.
Please do not take offense, we have no control over this. It simply decides this alert if the IP you are using has been used for spam, hacking, or fraud before. This can be from a shared ISP IP address or simply if you are on a public ISP like a coffee shop or Internet cafe (if they still have those :).
Don't worry though, just add a ticket or email us at cs@webhost.pro about the error and we will fix your account right away. We will need to switch you to PayPal if you choose to use a direct credit card because our CC processor doesn't allow credit card purchases from high-risk IPs. Paypal will take your credit cards all the same though and/or just use your Paypal balance.