Sitejet Commerce for Sitejet Builder

Saturday, March 9, 2024

We’re excited to announce that Sitejet Builder, our beginner-friendly website builder, will soon expand its capabilities by introducing Sitejet Commerce functionality later this month! 

With Sitejet Commerce, you’ll be able to enable your customers to set up a store alongside their website and manage everything in one place - your dashboard. Allow them to offer their products and services to a broader audience, boosting sales and revenue - and benefit from improved loyalty and trust.

Here’s what Sitejet Commerce will offer:

Fast Checkout for Easy Conversion

Social Selling

Gift Cards & Discount Coupons

Inventory Management

Abandoned Cart & Automated Marketing Emails

Advanced Analytics

And more

Sitejet Commerce will be fully integrated into Sitejet Builder and ready to go, so all you need to do is pass on the good news. It also comes with cost-effective pricing, making Sitejet Commerce ideal for SMBs.  

We understand the importance of offering comprehensive solutions that empower your customers to create and manage professional websites effortlessly. With Sitejet Commerce, we're taking this commitment to the next level by enabling your customers to integrate a fully functional online shop into their websites easily.

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