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How to add / install WordPress

  1. Log into your account manager from any page on our website or with the link here: Account Manager

  2. In your account manager under active services, click the web hosting plan you want to add it to.

  3. Now if you see a Softaculous icon under quick links, you can choose that and skip to 5. If you don't see that icon, then to the right click "Log into cPanel".

  4. In cPanel, scroll down to the bottom and you will see the WordPress icon.

  5. This is the page you use to add WordPress.

Important tips: 

Your domain will have to be live before the installer will work. 

Use https:// or https://www. for the start of your URL. Most people use https://www. (example https://www.webhostpro.com).

Once it's added, you will get a login link to the WordPress admin section. After you log in for the first time save that page in your favorites so you can access it later.

Add the brute force login protection plug-in to help detour spammers and hackers.

After you get it installed and you are familiar with it, follow this article to optimize WordPress, this will help it work fast and safely: WordPress optimization

We also recommend watching our videos on installing WordPress here: WordPress Videos

  • wordpress, wordpress install, wordpress add, softaculous, wp toolkit

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