My page just downloads instead of loading הדפסה

  • download, won't load, php error, html error, load, cpanel, public_html, folder, htaccess, code
  • 110

In most cases, if your page is downloading instead of opening in the browser, the issue may stem from outdated or incorrect code within your .htaccess file.

To inspect your .htaccess file, access the File Manager in your cPanel. Be sure to enable the option to view hidden files, as the .htaccess file is hidden by default. Typically, this file is located within the public_html folder, though it can sometimes be found in a custom directory or the root folder of your website.

Once located, check the contents of the .htaccess file for the following line of code:

AddType application/x-httpd-php5 .html .htm

If this code is present, remove it and save the file. This code is obsolete and was only required for older versions of PHP.

After making the change, refresh your browser to see if the issue is resolved.

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