
כל החדשות והעדכונים האחרונים של Web Host Pro

21 יוני 2020
Make sure to add Auto Updates to your WordPress, here's how

We made a step by step FAQ for adding auto updates to your WordPress website. If you have not done this yet, we highly suggest it!


21 יוני 2020
PHP 7.4 is now available on all servers

The long awaited latest version of PHP is now available on all servers. This version comes with many performance and security improvements. It's also closely tied into WordPress, so make sure and upgrade your website ASAP, to use the improvements. To upgrade, just log into your cPanel and click MultiPHP. On that page change your PHP to version ...

19 יוני 2020
It's a complicated time, but most predictions have Internet business growing.

With the economy at such an unpredictable time, it's hard to say what will happen six years from now or even in six months. So far though, all the main reports from the top economists have favored in more Internet business activity. They have also said more work from home activity. This means great things are coming around the corner for website ...

9 יוני 2020
We will be changing our terminology of blacklist to blocklist

There is not a lot the IT community can do to help systematic racism. One thing we did notice is that the term blacklist can be construed as black being bad. Whitelists also add to the contrast of color having a value of being better or worse. Whitelist good, blacklist bad for example. It's a little thing, but we will be changing all connection ...

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