
from Web Host Pro

4th Nov 2020
MySQL reported bug from cPanel

An unusual bug popped up to today that breaks MYSQL from showing details in cPanel. It works correctly on websites but if you try to edit a database or view the details, cPanel shows it as offline. We have a patch fix but would rather not apply unless we have to. If you notice this error please let us know. cPanel says the permanent fix is being ...

2nd Nov 2020
We have extended the grace period for late payments

As of today our system is changed from 7 days to 12 days before it will suspend an account for late payment. We hope this extra time will help with any payment issues and give plenty of time to contact us if more time is needed. The system also only keeps accounts on file for 28 days after it was past due. It's very important you keep backups if ...

27th Aug 2020
Make sure to remove old scripts not used

We noticed a lot of old scripts like WordPress on several addon sites that are not working. Just because the addon domain has stopped working does not mean leaving the script is safe. This adds risk to the other working websites. We suggest logging into your cPanel, clicking Softaculous, and clicking "installations" to see what is there. You can ...

6th Aug 2020
Site changes and upgrades 8/6/2020 through 8/14/2020

Hello, We're making some major upgrades to our website and client area. This will cause several days of errors on some pages while everything is being rebuilt. Because it's being rebuilt from the ground up, we have to do it in real time on the working website. We'll make sure the client area and shopping cart is working 100% first, then rebuild ...

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