Frequently Asked Questions

Does Web Host Pro use CloudLinux?

Web Host Pro is excited to announce our partnership with CloudLinux

Using Web Host Pro software with CloudLinux provides the only commercially-supported Linux Operating System (OS) optimized for their needs, ensuring spikes in resource usage won't take down an entire server.


All CloudLinux innovations, such as CageFS, aim to improve security and stability on servers. So where other operating systems will allow entire servers full of customers to go down, CloudLinux stays stable by isolating the impact on the offending tenant.
CloudLinux increases density

Deploying CloudLinux ensures that you are optimizing the use of each server. Due to limits set for CPU, IO, and Memory, you could get the most out of every server and safely add more customers.

CloudLinux helps you to improve server density and to decrease churn, improving profit per physical server. It also creates new upsell opportunities by setting limits on per-package bases.

Better server stability means fewer support issues and less time spent tracking down server load issues.

Our main principles are Increasing Stability, Density, and Security. We follow this rule while developing CloudLinux to make it even better and to make our customers even happier.

The technology

CloudLinux technology gives full control over CPU, IO, Memory, Number of Processes, and Concurrent connection limits. Now abusers can be limited while allowing good customers to use what they need.


CageFS is a virtualized per-user file system that uniquely encapsulates each customer, preventing users from seeing each other and viewing sensitive information. Additionally, CageFS prevents numerous attacks, including most of the privilege escalation and information disclosure attacks. This innovation is completely transparent to your customers, without any need for them to change their scripts.


SecureLinks is a kernel-level technology that prevents all known symbolic link attacks, which enhances the security level of the servers even further.

PHP Selector

With this new CageFS tool, each customer can select the PHP version as well as the module's customer wants to use. And CloudLinux makes sure that PHP is updated fast, making sites more secure and customers pleased.

  • cloudlinux, hosting, website, security, php

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