Frequently Asked Questions

How can I find good EDU and GOV places to list my website?

Grabbing high PR .EDU and .GOV page backlinks are a great way to help your site rank higher faster. Google especially loves these types of links. Here is a little trick to find where good .EDU and .GOV pages are that you might be able to get links on.

First, you have to find your competition, once you have chosen one or two sites that are the most marketed in your type of business you just enter one in this search engine string:

For .EDU site:edu

For .GOV site:gov

(Make sure and replace "" with the domain you want to check. We just added our domain for example purposes.)

Next, you cut and paste the URL into a search engine, you can use Google and maybe Yahoo or Bing. This will give you a list of what .EDU or .GOV websites that have links to your competitor's website. From there just check each page to see if you can get the same link. In most cases, it's in the comments or a forum post.

Good luck and happy hunting.




  • edu, gov, seo

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