Frequently Asked Questions

What is SSL (https)?

99.9% of all websites are compatible with our free SSL, which we install by default and renew with all web hosting accounts. You can purchase most other types of SSL certificates right from inside your cPanel or any third-party SSL provider. If you use Cloudflare or a similar third partner filter/firewall like this, you will have to use our name servers until the SSL is live. These firewall systems block the verification process needed to add the SSL. Once the SSL is working, you can change to a third-party firewall if you choose.

We provide basic free SSL certificates from cPanel for all website builders, web hosting, reseller web hosting, cPanel-based VPS, and cPanel-based servers. New free SSL certificates require you to use our name servers with your domain registration. And to not have any hard redirects. The SSLCA has to verify the domains to give a free SSL, and not using the default settings with your domain can block this process. Once the SSL is live, you can change the name servers if needed and add redirects. But when the SSL is up for renewal, you'll need to change them back. Paid SSL allows you to have redirects, custom name servers, and proxies like Cloudflare. It also has added security options that might interest you.

  • ssl, https, security, safe, browser, chrome, firefox, safari, cc card, cart, secure

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