How do I install DirectAdmin? Print

  • directadmin, install, direct, admin
  • 360

Step 1: System requirements?

  • Clean OS install: check install.php to ensure you've got a supported OS
  • At least one external IP address (IP Requirements)
  • SSH installed, gcc, g++, openssl-devel installed.
  • Run the pre-install commands before starting the install

CentOS 7
yum install wget tar gcc gcc-c++ flex bison make bind bind-libs bind-utils openssl openssl-devel perl quota libaio libcom_err-devel libcurl-devel gd zlib-devel zip unzip libcap-devel cronie bzip2 cyrus-sasl-devel perl-ExtUtils-Embed autoconf automake libtool which patch mailx bzip2-devel lsof glibc-headers kernel-devel expat-devel psmisc net-tools systemd-devel libdb-devel perl-DBI perl-Perl4-CoreLibs perl-libwww-perl xfsprogs rsyslog logrotate crontabs file kernel-headers ipset

Debian 10
apt install wget gcc g++ make flex bison openssl libssl-dev perl perl-base perl-modules libperl-dev libperl4-corelibs-perl libwww-perl libaio1 libaio-dev zlib1g zlib1g-dev libcap-dev cron bzip2 zip automake autoconf libtool cmake pkg-config python libdb-dev libsasl2-dev libncurses5 libncurses5-dev libsystemd-dev bind9 dnsutils quota patch logrotate rsyslog libc6-dev libexpat1-dev libcrypt-openssl-rsa-perl libnuma-dev libnuma1 ipset

A full list of OS pre-install codes is here:

Step 2: Make sure your license information is correct. We sell licenses or you can buy one directly from DirectAdmin.

Step 3: Begin the installation

Login as root and run this command:

bash <(curl -Ss || wget -O - auto

The auto method will be best for most people. It automatically installs everything for you, including the CSF firewall.

Setup SSL Certificates:

This step is only required if you wish to use DirectAdmin through SSL. You will also have to change the set SSL=1 in the directadmin.conf file:

Accessing the Control Panel

DirectAdmin can be accessed at http://server.ip.address:2222 -- use the Admin username/password specified in the setup.txt file in your scripts directory.

Feel free to add a ticket to have us install it for you. Also, if you don't know how to DNS, we can create custom DNS for you on the server. These two options will take up to 24 hours to complete, so you might want to try them yourself first if you're in a hurry.

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