Frequently Asked Questions

How to add a DMARC zone in cPanel.

If you are getting that pesky dmarc verification failed bounced email error, you'll need to add a TXT dmarc DNS zone to your account to send emails to the location bouncing your email. This means they have added a dmarc verification system to their email server. Luckily it's easy to do and we'll walk you through it step by step.

In your cPanel click "Zone Editor"

Then click the arrow facing down next to the "Add Record" button.

Then choose "Add Text Record" from the list.

On that page add these to the boxes: 

Valid zone name - _dmarc (it might add your domain after it to look something like
TTL - Leave the default 14400 setting there.
Type - Leave the default TXT setting there.
Text - v=DMARC1; p=none; sp=none; rf=afrf; pct=100; ri=86400

Then click Add Record to save it. Like standard DNS changes, it will take about an hour to update around the world.



With cPanel you can just add the _dmarc and it will add the domain after it for you. So for cut and paste purposes in cPanel use these:


v=DMARC1; p=none; sp=none; rf=afrf; pct=100; ri=86400

  • dmarc, dmark, DMARC1, pct, ri, sp, reject, spam, bounced email

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