
from Web Host Pro

24th May 2015
Here is to all the protectors

We would like to give a special thanks to all the Veterans and protectors of all. Soon our wish is that there will always be a good home for all Veterens in need no matter what the cost. If you risk your life to protect your country than you should have your life protected.

15th May 2015
Want to use a check?

We take web based check payments, just send us the details below and we will bill the account.

Bank Name: 
Routing Number:
Account Number:
Business or Personal:
Business Name: 
Account Name:
Check Account Billing Address:
Check Account Phone:

31st Mar 2015
It's officially Back Up Day!

That's right, there is a holiday now (not national yet), to remind us to do a full back up of any important data.In your CPanel there is a back up wizard that allows you to back up everything and download it to your computer for safe keeping. Make sure and do this often but don't leave the back up on your site that is just wasting space. You need ...

25th Mar 2015
Well that was short lived, we stopped taking Skrill.

Unfortunately due to a poor system and horrible support we cannot do business with Skrill. We are always trying to find ways to help customers get hosting as easy as possible. We just can't do business with substandard billing companies, there is too much risk involved when involving money. We also do not recommend using Skrill for billing.
