
New Feature Showcase

  • 6th November 2019
Feature ShowcaseThe system added new features during this cPanel & WHM upgrade. You can enable some of these features directly in this interface. Select “Enable” next to the features that you wish to use and, then click “Save Settings” at the bottom of the interface. Feature Spotlight DNSSEC Clustering and User Experience ...
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Did you know you can scan your website for viruses right from your cPanel?

  • 4th October 2019
We recently added  the number one rated  website virus scanner available for free to all accounts. Simply log into your cPanel and look for this link: From there you can see a list of any effected web pages, images, or files. Once you see the list, you can go in and fix the file or delete it. Remember, most websites that are hacked are ...
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Did you know PHP 7.3 is faster and more secure than what you are probably using?

  • 21st August 2019
PHP is the engine behind active page websites like WordPress, Joomla, and Shopping carts. Most sites on Web Host Pro still use PHP 7.1 which is not bad, but PHP is now on version 7.3 which is much, much, faster and more secure. We highly suggest checking with any scripts you use to see if it will work with PHP 7.3 and let us know to upgrade your ...
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cPanel prices have lowered (a little).

  • 12th August 2019
After constant complaints on cPanel's license price increases we managed to get them to lower the price a little more us. Now if you have 5 or less accounts your cPanel will only be $13 a month. All prices still are month to month with no option to pay for more time at once. If you use addon domains, they will not count against your main account ...
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