
from Web Host Pro

9th Jun 2020
We will be changing our terminology of blacklist to blocklist

There is not a lot the IT community can do to help systematic racism. One thing we did notice is that the term blacklist can be construed as black being bad. Whitelists also add to the contrast of color having a value of being better or worse. Whitelist good, blacklist bad for example. It's a little thing, but we will be changing all connection ...

7th Jun 2020
Phone numbers removed from domain WHOIS details

A big new step in website owner privacy is starting this week. ICANN has agreed to remove phone numbers from all WHOIS details. It's well known these listed phone numbers get spammed out real quick! And they are never used for anything relevant to the domain name. Of course ICANN wanted as much information from the domain owner as possible since ...

13th May 2020
New cPanel options coming next week.

We have some really great options coming next week. This will require a full server upgrade which means rebooting all cloud systems. The new options include:  A new Webmail RoundCube version that's more stables, secure, and new features. (Version 1.4) A improved free virus scanner in cPanel. Most hosts charge $10-$20 a month for Virus ...

7th May 2020
What's DNS propagation?

We know there is a lot of technical terms with web hosting and domains you probably prefer not to know. Propagation might not be one of those though. When you change a domain's DNS (domain name servers) or make any DNS changes. There is a time frame called propagation. This is a time when the change has been made locally, but the rest of the world ...
