
from Web Host Pro

30th Jun 2021
Security updates

Our latest security system updates are ready and deployed this week. They include: HyperScanHyperScan technology provides an improved speed while ensuring protection when performing a scan for malicious files. Better infection source detectionWith this feature, we can enhance our insight into the root cause for infections and place those ...

25th Mar 2021
Chrome will make HTTPS the default for incomplete URLs

Chrome will take a further step in HTTPS security in Chrome 90.The change will impact the Chrome Omnibox —the name Google uses to describe the Chrome address (URL) bar. In current versions, if the user types an incomplete URL  into the Chrome Omnibox, Chrome will load the domain via HTTP. Typing in, for instance, will take the user ...

14th Feb 2021
We will be doing a live update of our website this week

We apologize for the mess while we do a major upgrade to our web design. We expect being done by Wednesday 02/17/2021

We will keep everything as similar as possible.

13th Dec 2020
Routine maintenance 12/13/2020

Between 3-6PM Pac Time Sunday 12/13/2020 we will be updating core software and inspecting server fans on all cloud platforms. This may require reboots on certain servers which will take them offline for about 2 minutes. The upgrades will include better performance and security.

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