We'll be adding Let's Encrypt

We'll be adding Let's Encrypt to all shared servers and some managed servers and VPS over the new couple months. The current SSL system is ran by Sectigo which has had too many issues. We have tested Let's Encrypt and so far there has been no errors.

14th Jan 2023
CPanel license price increase

Unfortunately, cPanel has raised its prices again on all licenses. You can see the cPanel page linked below for the exact current price. We'll be updating license prices for all accounts over the next two weeks. Just a reminder; we sell our cPanel licenses for the same price cPanel charges us rounded off. We raise and lower our cPanel license ... Read More »

11th Jan 2023
TOS update

We've updated our TOS to include some additional details on our definition of SPAM and our process if SPAM is sent within a service.

27th Dec 2022
VPS and Dedicated servers should be upgrade to the Jupiter theme soon

CPanel made an announcement this month that it will discontinue support for the Paper Lantern theme. Luckily it's easy to upgrade to the new Jupiter theme server wide. To migrate all accounts to Jupiter, you can navigate to WHM » Multi Account Functions » Modify/Upgrade Multiple Accounts You can also do it via the command line with this ... Read More »

15th Dec 2022
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