Web hosting for PHP 5.3

We know what it’s like to have an older script that requires PHP 5.3. You spent money getting it and god knows how much time making it the way you want it. That is why we have a special server running PHP 5.3 just for you. Just sign up for a normal web hosting plan and simply request PHP 5.3, we will move you to a server that will always have ... Read More »

8th Oct 2014
What is a Dedicated Server?

A dedicated hosting service, dedicated server, or managed hosting service is a type of Internet hosting in which the client leases an entire server not shared with anyone else. This is more flexible than shared hosting, as organizations have full control over the server(s), including the choice of an operating system, hardware, etc. There is also ... Read More »

8th Oct 2014
85% of People Use the Internet to Find Local Businesses

Most people surveyed recently were just as likely to turn to the internet, as they were to ask for personal recommendations about local businesses. For business owners, this is a good indication that now more than ever, it’s important to have a strong online presence. We’ve highlighted a few key takeaways from the survey below: 1) “There ... Read More »

8th Oct 2014
Transferring Wordpress to a new web host in 10 steps

I just moved over a customer today with WordPress and he was so happy to be transfered away from another host and amazed how easy it was I realized a lot people might be stuck on a bad host out of fear. I just wanted to explain exactly how easy it is to move your site. First of all WebHost.pro offers free site moving for any WordPress site. We ... Read More »

8th Oct 2014