Network maintenance is scheduled tonight 11/6/2016

We will be doing several upgrades and maintenace tonight on all networks. This includes upgrades to the DDoS system and general networks shaping. There should be no downtime or less than 10 seconds if we need to do reboots on the routers.

6th Nov 2016
Speed and security upgrades

This week will finish our upgrade that will include these improvements.DNSSEC This will protect your website from one of the most widely exploited exploit vectors.   SNI support on cPanel services With SNI support added to all of cPanel's services, certificate warnings are a thing of the past. cPanel, WHM, webmail and more in version 60 will all ... Read More »

3rd Nov 2016
Have a great Halloween weekend

web host

We just wanted to wish everything a great Halloween weekend and to please be safe.

Everyone at Web Host Pro

29th Oct 2016
Add our main email to your white-lists

Hello, Sometimes free emails and even professional ones can block other email addresses for the wrong reasons. The easiest way to avoid this is to simply add the email you want to receive from to your email white-list. Almost all free email services like GMail and Yahoo have them. So make sure and add oru main email  This email ... Read More »

13th Oct 2016