
Останнє від Web Host Pro

24th Jun 2015
The new Web Host Pro web design is active today

As you may of noticed we moved to our new web design today, don't worry it's still us! We hope it doesn't confuse anyone as we just wanted a more simple and fluent design that is comfortable. If you have any suggestions or questions feel free to let us know. Have a great summer!

1st Jun 2015
Web Host Pro announces improved routes with new transit carriers.

Web Host Pro Inc., the leading provider of Web Hosting, dedicated servers, and other internet solutions in Los Angeles, California, is pleased to announce several new bandwidth carriers to its networks. Web Hosti Pro's Network Operations team is constantly working to improve its network in an effort to lower latency and enhance routing. As part of ...

25th May 2015
Attack on server L60

Server l60 suffered a mass traffic flood attack on 5/25/2015 at 8am. They did not target a website and did not damage anything on the server. They where able to get the IP of your server to a stand still for several hours this morning. Hackers tend to come out on US Holidays and they managed cause issues in the attack. We are very sorry for the ...

24th May 2015
Here is to all the protectors

We would like to give a special thanks to all the Veterans and protectors of all. Soon our wish is that there will always be a good home for all Veterens in need no matter what the cost. If you risk your life to protect your country than you should have your life protected.
