
Bütün elanlarımız : Web Host Pro

17th Mar 2015
Happy Birthday .com

30 years ago today was the first day a .com was registered. 5 more domains where registered that year after Symbolics.com. Now 30 years later there is over 285 millions domains have been registered with 112 million being .com’s. Back then in 1985 there was 5 TLD options, now there is over 800! Can’t wait to see what is next!

25th Fev 2015
New article on flushing your DNS cache

Changed an IP or moved web hosts?

Here's a helpful article on how to speed up the propagation process:


24th Fev 2015
Scheduled maintenance 02-27-2015 4 pm Pacific time

We will be upgrading our Data Center power grid and network in Los Angeles at 4pm Pacific time. This will require all connections to be offline for up to 15 minutes. We expect only a couple minutes at most. The new power system will have a triple power backup UPS system that has more power. The network upgrade will include additional connections ...

23rd Yan 2015
Wordpress needs to be updated (Please read)

Wordpress is now the most hacked software on the Internet. The good news is it's easy avoid this by just putting in a little work. The main reason Wordpress gets hacked is because it's not updated. To update just log into your control panel and you will see an update link to do this automatically. Our App installer also has an auto update option ...
