Our new YouTube video based web hosting tutorial site is live

Monday, November 25, 2019

Our new web hosting video based how-to site has started with 6 new hand-made tutorials. Stop by and let us know what you think! The list so far is:

  • Introduction to Web Host Pro
  • How to log into cPanel from your Web Host Pro account
  • How to install a WordPress installation on Web Host Pro
  • How to remove a WordPress installation on Web Host Pro
  • How to add email to your Web Host Pro account
  • How to add a support ticket at Web Host Pro

Watch them all here: Web Host Pros

Coming next are: 

  • How to access SitePad
  • How to update your billing 
  • How to change your PHP version
  • How to fix serious Wordpress issues

Have any suggestions for new videos? Let us know here: Contact Form

Thanks for watching!

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