Our new credit card billing processor 2CheckOut is now live

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

After abruptly ending our partnership with Strip we have found our first processor to take over credit card payments. 2CheckOut has been around for over a decade in fact we used them back in 2006 but needed more control at the time. Now over ten years later we're really impressed with their system. They have an app, an intuitive interface, and sophisticated fraud control.

The downfall to this change is if you had auto billing to your card on file, you will need to start it over again on your next payment.

You'll simply get an invoice as normal. I will have a link to your invoice which you can either pay one time or start a new subscription. In lieu of 2CheckOut's TOS we had to remove the account credit system. Of course any prepaid credits will still work. We just can't add new credits via the credit adding system. We also had to remove 2-3 year web hosting subscription options.

The pros though are a seamless system that you can trust and control directly if needed.

We plan on adding an additional merchant account as well for customers that need us to manually add payments. We expect this by the end of the month.

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