cPanel will be managing Wordpress in a big way this year

  • Tuesday, 6th February, 2018
  • 22:30pm

What to Expect for cPanel WordPress Integration in 2018

cPanel has been providing WordPress via Site Software for several years, however, there have been some limitations. In the past year, we have sought to not only remove those limitations but also provide server and site administrators with new capabilities. In June of last year, we released the first iteration of WordPress Manager and the updated WordPress package via Site Software. Since then, we have built in new functionality, gave a talk at the cPanel Conference in October about the future, and are actively working on a long-term roadmap of features and functionality.

As part of that roadmap, we must say goodbye to the older WordPress packager, now known as WordPress Legacy in Site Software. In order to help server and site administrators transition, we have developed a deprecation plan that will allow users to be moved to the new package system. Before we get into the deprecation plan, let’s take a look at the benefits of the new WordPress package with WordPress Manager.

Benefits of WordPress Manager


Automatic Updates

The new WordPress package comes with Automatic Updates enabled by default and allows the user to enabled/disable Automatic Updates via the WordPress Manager plugin. This update allows users to circumvent delays when it comes to getting the latest security fixes.

Self-Service Tools

WordPress Manager has self-service tools for site administrators, including the ability to change the password for any WordPress Administrator account.

Upcoming Features


WordPress Manager for WHM

Server administrators will have much of the same functionality available to them as the site administrators have, in addition to new features designed to make managing a server of WordPress instances easier, more intuitive, and less of a hassle.

Staging to Production Cloning

Site administrators will have the ability to stage changes to their sites in a staging area, then migrate the changes to their production site with the click of a button.

User Management

Site administrators will have the ability to create email accounts for their site via the WordPress Administrator Dashboard.

Now that we have a better idea of the benefits and upcoming features you can expect via the new WordPress package with WordPress Manager, let’s talk about the deprecation plan for WordPress Legacy.

Deprecation Schedule


cPanel & WHM 70

  • Server administrators are given a script that will remove the automatic update restrictions from WordPress Legacy instances, leaving the setting disabled, and convert the configuration files to those of the new WordPress package
  • New installations of the WordPress Legacy package are prevented in WHM and cPanel
  • All servers which have the WordPress Legacy package installed via WHM Site Software will have the new WordPress package with WordPress Manager installed automatically, to help users make a seamless transition
  • Site administrators will have the ability to enable Automatic Updates on WordPress Legacy instances via WordPress Manager. Upon doing so, the configuration files will be converted to those of the new WordPress package

cPanel & WHM Version 72

  • Provide a WHM WordPress Manager control panel allowing Server Administrators to manager WordPress instances across the server
  • Ability for a Server Administrator to convert all WordPress Legacy instances to the new WordPress package

cPanel & WHM Version 74

  • Automatic conversion of any remaining WordPress Legacy instances to the new WordPress package

We believe we have created a deprecation strategy that will allow for the smooth transition of WordPress sites while limiting disruption to the processes of server administrators.

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